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How To Make Life In Little Alchemy Cheat Sheet

Little Alchemy: A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting Life

Unleashing the Secrets of Creation

Little Alchemy, the captivating puzzle game, challenges players to combine elements and create an array of objects. One of the most sought-after creations is Life, an essential component for advancing in the game. However, mastering the art of crafting Life can be a daunting task, but fear not! This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary knowledge and tips to become an Alchemy master.

Step 1: Gather Essential Elements

To create Life in Little Alchemy, you will need two specific elements: Energy and Swamp. Energy can be obtained by combining Fire and Air, while Swamp is created by mixing Water and Earth.

Step 2: Combine Energy and Swamp

Once you have acquired both Energy and Swamp, simply drag and drop them onto the playing board. Allow them to overlap slightly, and watch as they magically transform into Life.

Additional Tips

Here are a few extra tips to enhance your Alchemy journey:

  • Experiment with different element combinations to uncover hidden possibilities.
  • Don't hesitate to use trial and error to find the desired result.
  • Refer to online resources or walkthroughs for inspiration and guidance.


With a little patience and these helpful tips, you will soon master the art of creating Life in Little Alchemy. Remember, alchemy is a process of experimentation and discovery. So embrace the journey, embrace the unknown, and unlock the secrets of this enchanting game.
