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Red Sea Conflict Wikipedia


Red Sea Crisis: Timeline and Implications for Global Trade

Ongoing Armed Conflict in the Middle East

A Timeline of Events

The Red Sea crisis, also known as the United States-Houthi conflict, is an ongoing armed conflict in the Middle East. The crisis began on 19 November 2023 with attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and has since escalated into a major threat to global trade.

19 November 2023: Houthi rebels in Yemen launch attacks on shipping in the Red Sea, targeting Saudi oil tankers and commercial vessels.

1 December 2023: The United States responds by deploying warships to the Red Sea to protect American interests and ensure freedom of navigation.

15 December 2023: The Houthi rebels launch a missile attack on a US destroyer in the Red Sea, escalating the conflict further.

19 December 2023: Houthi rebels significantly step up their strikes on ships in the Red Sea, targeting commercial vessels from various nations.

Causes and Implications

Causes: The Houthi rebel group in Yemen, which is backed by Iran, is the primary cause of the Red Sea crisis. The Houthis have long been in conflict with the Saudi-led coalition supporting the internationally recognized Yemeni government.

Implications: The Red Sea crisis has significant implications for global trade. The Red Sea is a vital shipping lane for oil and other commodities, and the ongoing conflict threatens to disrupt this trade flow and drive up energy prices.

The crisis also raises concerns about the broader security of the Middle East. The escalation of hostilities between the United States and the Houthis could lead to a wider regional conflict, involving other nations in the region.

Resolution and Outlook

Efforts to resolve the Red Sea crisis are ongoing. The United Nations and the United States are working to negotiate a ceasefire and de-escalation, but progress has been slow.

The outlook for the Red Sea crisis remains uncertain. The Houthi rebels have shown no signs of backing down, and the United States is committed to protecting its interests in the region. The ongoing conflict poses a major threat to global trade and the security of the Middle East.

